Canon 100-400

For some time now I have been thinking that the $1600 that I spent on my 100-400 was a waste and yet another of those hasty decisions I took and now ….

I must thank Trevor again for getting me the lens, for some great reason it was cheaper to have the lens mailed to his Florida address from New York (B&H) then picking it up at a local store!

After nearly a year of being stored away in my new steel cupboard I took the lens out with me today. Ah Boy! Was I glad.The Egyptian Vulture is a small vulture that was once very common in our part of the world, but like all other vultures that have vanished in and around Lucknow this species too is extremely rare to find.

So now I don't think buying the lens was a bad decision, well not until I pack it away in the cupboard again!

1 comment:

Abhik said...

i thought u were giving the zoom lens to me :(