
Cant seem to come up with a better name for the moment, so its going to be called peace. We've all seen images of cats and dogs living in peace and harmony, they don't always fight!

Last weekend I was invited to Chennai (Madras) to give a lecture at the Photography Society of Madras when for the first time i visited Tamilnadu.

On a visit to a temple we had to leave our shoes before we entered and thats where i was drawn to the caretaker only to find that more interesting spectacle hid behind him. I was amused to see the pets on the chairs, but more so by their evident suspicion (or was it displeasure) when i photographed their master. (I don't know if they were just being protective or were they plain jealous?)

The shallow depth of field of the 2.8 lens gave me just what i was looking for.

And before any one asks me, NO i did not want to them both in focus!

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