
As an artist one is always exposed to a fare share of adulation and scorn, its part of life I guess. After 32° Fahrenheit opened I got calls and mails telling me what every one thought of my work, it was the same after I won the National Award and I made it a point not to let it get to my head.

When Rajesh Khandelwal a resident from Indore called me I could not help take it to heart. Rajesh wanted to tell me how great my photograph looked on the back cover of the latest Issue of SPAN. In the fifteen minutes that I spoke to Rajesh he confessed to me that he was no artist but lived on art rather than food! What moved me more than anything was the effort that he made to call me.

Seeing the photograph on the back cover of the magazine he called the American Center in Delhi, asked the guard for my details when that failed he called his brother-in-law to check the website and get my number and then made the call to me.

Few compliments I have got so far have quite compared to the sincerity and excitement that Rajesh’s voice conveyed.

He wrote to me today:' आनंद आ गया । शब्द नही है इतनी सुंदर कला के लिए । मन से आभार और शुभकामनाएं । इंदौर आने का न्योता । '
It’s a pleasure (to see the work). I don’t have words to describe such beautiful work. My heartfelt gratitude and best wishes. An invitation to visit Indore.

1 comment:

Please, Donate Bitcoin said...

Very nice, Andre.
Great stuff.